home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 rem brain tease
- 20 rem george richard decker
- 30 rem 251 n. luzerne ave.
- 40 rem balto., md. 21224
- 50 rem 4/18/85
- 60 rem
- 70 poke54296,15:poke54273,110:poke54277,0:poke54278,8
- 80 poke54287,8:poke54286,1:poke54291,0:poke54292,8
- 90 rem set up sound registers
- 100 :
- 110 rem select game
- 112 :
- 115 uptime=(8*4096)+4: de=186
- 120 printchr$(8)chr$(14)
- 125 poke53280,14:poke53281,0: gosub 3200
- 130 print""spc(13)"[159][194]rain [212]easers"
- 140 printspc(11)"[150][212]he [200]ermit's [199]ame"
- 145 printspc(11)"[158][196]ecker's [212]owers"
- 150 printspc(11)"[153][195]ode [194]reaker"
- 152 printspc(8)"[155][208]ress the [159] [211]pace [194]ar "
- 154 printspc(4)"[155]for your [211]election and to [194]egin"
- 155 printspc(7)"[208]ress [158][198]8[155] to exit to [213]p[212]ime[155]"
- 156 printspc(16) "[155](c)1986": printspc(10) "by [199]. [210]ichard [196]ecker"
- 157 printspc(14) "[208]ublished by"
- 158 printspc(7) "[211]oftdisk [208]ublishing, [201]nc."
- 160 k=1272:poke198,0:gosub1290
- 162 poke k,62: for es=1to120
- 164 if peek(197)=60 then 190
- 166 get k$: if k$=chr$(140) then poke de,8: poke54296,0: sys uptime
- 170 next: gosub 1290: poke k,32: k=k+80: if k=1512 then k=1272
- 180 goto 162
- 190 if k=1272 then 230
- 200 if k=1352 then 580
- 210 goto910
- 215 :
- 220 rem start of game 1
- 222 :
- 230 getk$: gosub 3300: rem *** game inst. ***
- 231 :
- 232 get k$: if k$="" then 232
- 234 if k$=chr$(140) then poke de,8: poke54296,0: sys uptime
- 236 if k$<>chr$(32) then goto 232
- 238 :
- 240 fora=0to10:j(a)=0:next:j(1)=-80:j(2)=80:j(4)=-2:j(8)=2
- 242 poke53280,1:poke53281,1: print"[147]"chr$(142)
- 245 print"[147]"tab(12)"[156]the hermit's game":gosub1220
- 250 fora=0to4step2
- 260 forb=1322to1802step80:pokea+b,81:pokea+b+54272,9:next:next
- 270 fora=0to12step2:forb=1478to1638step80:pokea+b,81:pokea+b+54272,9:next:next
- 280 poke1564,87:poke55836,9:ar=1604:pokear,30:ma=0:t=31
- 290 if peek(197)=4 then run
- 295 get k$: if k$=chr$(140) then poke de,8: poke 54296,0: sys uptime
- 300 js=peek(56320):js=15-(jsand15):ifj(js)=0then340
- 310 d=j(js):ifpeek(d+ar-40)=32orpeek(d+ar-40)=160then340
- 320 pokear,32:ar=ar+j(js):pokear,30
- 330 ifpeek(197)=60then500
- 340 js=peek(56320)and16:ifjs=16thenfora=1to50:next:goto290
- 350 ifma=1then400
- 360 ifpeek(ar-40)=87thengosub1300:goto290
- 370 gosub1290:m1=ar-40:pokem1+54272,7:ma=1
- 380 js=peek(56320)and16:ifjs=0then380
- 390 goto290
- 400 c=peek(ar+54232)and15:ifc=7thenpokear+54232,9:ma=0:goto380
- 410 ifpeek(ar-40)=81thengosub1300:goto290ady.
- 420 m2=ar-40:aj=m1-m2
- 430 ifaj=160thenifpeek(m1-80)=81thenz=m1-80:goto480
- 440 ifaj=-160thenifpeek(m1+80)=81thenz=m1+80:goto480
- 450 ifaj=4thenifpeek(m1-2)=81thenz=m1-2:goto480
- 460 ifaj=-4thenifpeek(m1+2)=81thenz=m1+2:goto480
- 470 gosub1300:goto290
- 480 gosub1290:pokem1,87:pokem1+54272,9:pokem2,81:pokez,87:ma=0:t=t-1
- 490 ift=0then510
- 500 goto380
- 510 print"[144]very good!"
- 520 get k$: if k$="" then 520
- 530 if k$=chr$(140) then poke de,8: poke 54296,0: sys uptime
- 540 if k$<>chr$(133) then 520
- 550 run
- 560 rem
- 570 rem start of game 2
- 580 get k$: gosub 3500: rem *** game #2 inst. ***
- 581 :
- 582 get k$: if k$="" then 582
- 584 if k$=chr$(140) then poke de,8: poke 54296,0: sys uptime
- 586 if k$<>chr$(32) then 582
- 587 :
- 588 poke53280,1:poke53281,1
- 590 print"[147]": gosub 1220: printchr$(142)""spc(13)"decker's towers"
- 595 for a=1316to1876 step 40: poke a,118: poke a+54272,6: poke a+2,117
- 600 pokea+54274,6:pokea+7,118:pokea+54279,6:pokea+9,117:pokea+54281,6
- 610 pokea+14,118:pokea+54286,6:pokea+16,117:pokea+54288,6:next:z=49
- 620 fora=1317to1877step80:pokea,z:z=z+1:next:poke1237,3:poke1244,22:poke1251,2
- 630 c(1)=1317:c(2)=1964:c(3)=1971:j=0
- 640 print"[144]"tab(15)"1st. letter"
- 650 ifpeek(197)<>64then650
- 660 ifpeek(197)=20thenr=1:goto710
- 670 ifpeek(197)=31thenr=2:goto710
- 680 ifpeek(197)=28thenr=3:goto710
- 690 if peek(197)=4 then run
- 695 get k$: if k$=chr$(140) then poke de,8: poke 54296,0: sys uptime
- 700 goto660
- 710 gosub1290:print"[144]"tab(15)"2nd. letter"
- 720 ifpeek(197)<>64then720
- 730 ifpeek(197)=20thens=1:goto790
- 740 ifpeek(197)=31thens=2:goto790
- 750 ifpeek(197)=28thens=3:goto790
- 760 ifpeek(197)=60then640
- 770 ifpeek(197)=48thenrun
- 780 goto730
- 790 ifs=rthengosub1300:goto640
- 800 ifpeek(c(r))>peek(c(s))thengosub1300:goto640
- 810 gosub1290:pokec(s)-80,peek(c(r)):pokec(r),32:c(s)=c(s)-80:c(r)=c(r)+80
- 820 ifpeek(197)<>64then820
- 830 ifpeek(1324)=49orpeek(1331)=49then850
- 840 goto640
- 850 print"[144]very good!"
- 860 get k$: if k$="" then 860
- 870 if k$=chr$(140) then poke de,8: poke 54296,0: sys uptime
- 880 if k$<>chr$(133) then 860
- 890 run
- 900 rem end of game 2
- 902 :
- 904 rem start of game 3
- 906 :
- 910 get k$: gosub 3600: rem *** game #3 inst. ***
- 912 :
- 915 get k$: if k$="" then goto 915
- 920 if k$=chr$(140) then poke de,8: poke 54296,0: sys uptime
- 925 if k$<>chr$(32) then 915
- 927 :
- 930 print"[147]";: poke 53280,0: poke 53281,0
- 935 printchr$(142)spc(14)"[159]code breaker":fora=1064to1103
- 940 pokea,160:pokea+54272,14:next:fora=1192to1214:pokea,100:pokea+54272,14
- 950 pokea+800,99:pokea+55072,14:next:fora=1232to1952step40:pokea,101
- 960 pokea+54272,14:pokea+10,66:pokea+54282,14:pokea+16,66:pokea+54288,14
- 970 poke a+22,103: poke a+54294,14: next
- 972 :
- 974 gosub 3400: rem *** exit menu ***
- 976 :
- 980 print""tab(10)"number right pos.":tr=0
- 990 fora=1to5:n(a)=int(rnd(1)*10):next:print
- 1000 print"";
- 1010 for a=1to5: poke 198,0
- 1020 get s$: if s$="" then 1020
- 1025 if s$=chr$(140) then poke de,8: poke 54296,0: sys uptime
- 1030 if s$=chr$(133) then run
- 1035 if (s$<"0") or (s$>"9") then 1020
- 1040 print s$;: s(a)=val(s$): gosub 1290: next
- 1050 fora=1to5:t(a)=n(a):e(a)=s(a)::next:p=0:fora=1to5:ifs(a)=t(a)thenp=p+1
- 1060 next:r=0:fora=1to5:forb=1to5:ife(a)=t(b)thent(b)=-1:r=r+1:e(a)=-2
- 1070 next:next
- 1080 print""r""p:tr=tr+1
- 1090 iftr=18then1180
- 1100 ifp<5then1000
- 1110 print"[158]very":print"good!":print"you got":print"it in"
- 1120 print" "tr:print"trys."
- 1130 get k$: if k$="" then 1130
- 1140 if k$=chr$(140) then poke de,8: poke 54296,0: sys uptime
- 1150 if k$<>chr$(133) then 1130
- 1160 run
- 1180 gosub1300:print""tab(11) n(1);n(2);n(3);n(4);n(5):print"":goto1130
- 1190 rem end of game 3
- 1200 rem
- 1210 rem draw box sub.
- 1220 a=0:b=0
- 1230 forc=1154to1174:pokec+a,160:pokec+a+54272,6:next:forc=1213to1973step40
- 1240 pokec+b,160:pokec+b+54272,6:next:forc=1932to1914step-1:pokec+a,160
- 1250 pokec+a+54272,6:next:forc=1874to1194step-40:pokec+b,160:pokec+b+54272,6
- 1260 next:ifa=0thena=40:b=1:goto1230
- 1270 fora=0to16:forb=55508to56148step40:pokea+b,0:next:next
- 1275 gosub 3400: rem *** display exits ***
- 1280 return
- 1290 poke54276,17:poke54276,16:return
- 1300 poke54290,33:poke54290,32:return
- 3095 :
- 3096 rem *****************
- 3097 rem clear text area
- 3098 rem *****************
- 3099 :
- 3100 bl$=" "
- 3110 for x=1to14
- 3120 printbl$
- 3130 next
- 3140 print"": return
- 3195 :
- 3196 rem ********
- 3197 rem border
- 3198 rem ********
- 3199 :
- 3200 tl$="[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174][157]"+chr$(148)+"[192]"
- 3210 ml$="[221] [221][157]"+chr$(148)+" "
- 3215 br$="[171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179][157]"+chr$(148)+"[192]"
- 3220 bl$="[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189][157]"+chr$(148)+"[192]"
- 3230 print"[147]";tl$
- 3240 for x=1to23: printml$: if x=17 then x=18: print br$
- 3245 next
- 3250 printbl$;"";
- 3260 return
- 3295 :
- 3296 rem ***************
- 3297 rem game #1 inst.
- 3298 rem ***************
- 3299 :
- 3300 gosub 3100: rem *** clear text area ***
- 3302 :
- 3305 printspc(11)"[150][212]he [200]ermit's [199]ame[155]"
- 3310 print" [213]sing your joystick in port 2,"
- 3320 print" leap the marbles until only one"
- 3330 print" marble remains. [208]osition the arrow"
- 3340 print" on the marble you wish to move and"
- 3350 print" press the fire button. [212]hen position"
- 3355 print" the arrow where you wish to move the"
- 3360 print" marble and again press the fire but-"
- 3365 print" ton. [212]he marble moves and the marble"
- 3370 print" that was jumped disappears."
- 3375 printspc(4)"[208]ress the [159] [211]pace [194]ar [146][155] to [208]lay"
- 3390 return
- 3395 :
- 3396 rem ***********
- 3397 rem exit menu
- 3398 rem ***********
- 3399 :
- 3400 print"";
- 3405 co$="[129]": if k=1432 then co$="[155]"
- 3406 printco$
- 3410 printspc(33)"[176][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 3420 printspc(33)"[221] f1 [221]"
- 3430 printspc(33)"[173][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 3440 printspc(33)" menu"
- 3450 printspc(33)""
- 3460 printspc(33)"[176][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 3470 printspc(33)"[221] f8 [221]"
- 3480 printspc(33)"[173][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 3490 printspc(33)"uptime"
- 3492 return
- 3495 :
- 3496 rem ***************
- 3497 rem game #2 inst.
- 3498 rem ***************
- 3499 :
- 3500 gosub 3100: rem *** clear text area***
- 3505 :
- 3510 printspc(12)"[158][196]ecker's [212]owers[155]"
- 3515 print" [193] challenging adaptation of the"
- 3520 print" classic strategy game "chr$(34)"[212]owers of"
- 3525 print" [200]anoi"chr$(34)". [193]t the prompt for the 1st"
- 3530 print" letter, enter the tube's letter"
- 3535 print" where your 1st number is to come"
- 3540 print" from. [212]hen, at the prompt for the"
- 3545 print" 2nd letter, enter the tube's let-"
- 3546 print" ter where the number is to go."
- 3555 print" [210]emember, lesser[155] numbers go on top"
- 3560 print" of greater[155] numbers."
- 3570 printspc(4)"[208]ress the [159] [211]pace [194]ar [146][155] to [208]lay"
- 3580 return
- 3595 :
- 3596 rem ***************
- 3597 rem game #3 inst.
- 3598 rem ***************
- 3599 :
- 3600 gosub 3100
- 3605 :
- 3610 print spc(14)"[153][195]ode [194]reaker[155]"
- 3615 print" [217]our computer challenges you"
- 3620 print" to solve ([158]if you can[155]) the sequence"
- 3625 print" of 5 numbers it has generated and"
- 3630 print" kept to itself. [197]nter your first"
- 3635 print" guess and the machine will at least"
- 3640 print" let you know how many are correct"
- 3645 print" and how many are in the correct or-"
- 3650 print" der. [212]he rest is up to you!"
- 3655 printspc(5)"[208]ress the [159] [211]pace [194]ar [146][155]to [208]lay"
- 3660 return